Lose That Double Chin With Kybella

Are you dealing with a double chin that makes you feel downright embarrassed? Many people come to their Encino, CA dermatologist, Dr. Alex Eshaghian,  complaining of fat under their chin and wondering about treatments that might get rid of it. Of course, not everyone is keen on the idea of surgical cosmetic procedures, but we are happy to offer a non-surgical option for treating excess chin fat.

What is Kybella?

Instead of stressing over needing surgery, patients can now elect to have a non-surgical injection that uses deoxycholic acid to destroy the fat cells within submental fat. Once the cells are killed they are no longer able to store fat. One of the great things about Kybella is that it uses a naturally occurring chemical in your body that aids in fat absorption to help kill fat cells in the chin.

Will I need multiple treatment sessions or just one?

Most patients who get Kybella will need more than one treatment. Sometimes up to six treatments will be necessary. Factors such as how much chin fat is being treated and how the patient responds to treatment will determine how many sessions you will actually need to achieve the results that you want. It’s important that before we even start treatment that you talk to us honestly about your treatment goals so we can determine if Kybella is right for you or if another treatment would fit your goals better.

When will I notice results?

This will depend on how many treatment sessions our Encino skin doctor recommends. If you are getting multiple treatment sessions they are usually spaced a few weeks apart (anywhere from 6-8 weeks).

Who is right for Kybella?

There are many people who could be great candidates for this non-surgical cosmetic treatment, but it won’t be right for everyone. Patients should be dealing with excess chin fat rather than just loose or sagging skin.

If you want to find out more about Kybella and whether it could meet your cosmetic goals then it’s time you call A E Skin Professional Medical Spa in Encino, CA to schedule your consultation.

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10:00 am-5:00 pm


10:00 am-4:00 pm



